Blue Sky Is the Constant

Sometimes on a cloudy day, we can forget that up there, behind the clouds, there is a clear blue sky.  That the blue sky is the constant, and the clouds are just passing through.

Sometimes those clouds shroud a majestic mountain, and, if we didn’t know better, we’d think it was no longer there.  But it is, just as strong and as majestic as ever;  standing tall, immutable, rooted in bedrock.

Sometimes we see a lake whose surface is roiling and white-capped, caused by gusting winds, and we might forget that underneath the surface, the lake is calm and still.

A regular meditation practice helps us to understand that we are the sky, the mountain and the lake:  We come to know as truth that thoughts are just thoughts passing through - not “our” thoughts and not “us”.  Just thoughts.  We feel our internal groundedness and strength.  We learn to rest in our deep inner stillness.

It happens gradually.  Each time we realize our mind has wandered and we smile and bring it back to the breath - or sounds, or sensations, or smells, or tastes, or our sense of appreciation or joy - we are strengthening our connection with our inner wellspring of calm abiding.  And then suddenly, one day, we may find ourselves looking up at the sky, noticing a cloud, and wondering what the sky is thinking, because we’ve finally understood that thoughts are just clouds passing through, and the blue sky is the constant.

We hope that you’ll join us this week as we tap into the inner strength and stillness that lies in all of us.

May all beings without exception come to know their strength and stillness,
Your CMP Family

Have You Tried a Guided Meditation Session On-Line?

CMP has created a library of guided meditations that are available on our website. Our guided meditations have no preamble or discussion. They begin and end with the sound of a chime. If you aren’t ready to go directly to a guided meditation, you can also start with the audio discussions on our site. They provide an explanation of a practice. We encourage you to try one today!

CMP Equanimity Meditation 5.23.20.jpeg