If You Can Breathe Through It

My heart is so broken.  Maybe you’re feeling this way, too.

Several years ago, CMP host Lisa Sheehan taught me the phrase, “If you can breathe through it, you can live through it,” and it has served me well ever since.  In the toughest times, I have turned to my breath and to my practice.  

So wherever you are right now, please take a breath, and know that we are breathing together.  As human beings.  There is so much more that connects us than divides us.  And the connecting stuff is the really vital, important stuff.  In comparison, that which divides us is small, minor.  

So, please, take good care of yourself today.  Manage the news you consume, get outside if you can, smile and wave at your neighbors, feel your feet on the ground, place a hand on your own cheek and offer yourself some care.  And then please consider reaching out to someone to make a connection and celebrate what you have in common, and explore with curiosity how your experiences may differ and what you can learn from each other.  

Let’s extend a hand, help each other up, and heal together.  Let’s help each other breathe through this.

May all beings everywhere without exception know that we are all connected, 

Your CMP Family 

Please Take Our 8-Question Survey

We’re big fans of the present moment… AND we recognize the value of planning for the future so that we can meet it wisely.  As the libraries and community spaces we gathered in pre-COVID begin to contemplate next steps, we would love to have your input on how CMP can best support you in your personal meditation practice.  

The following 8-question survey will help us design our next offering schedule with you in mind (and heart).  At the end, there is a place for you to share your thoughts free-form.  We’d love to hear anything you want to share with us about how CMP can help you, how your practice is growing, what the challenges are, or just how you’re doing in general.  We’re all in this together as a community!

Thank you in advance for your input.  

Click HERE for the survey.

Please Donate Now

In these challenging times, your support is more important than ever. As a nonprofit, we can’t cancel our needs to fundraise. We need your donations to continue offering meditation sessions.CMP is a licensed charity in the state of CT as a 501(c)(3) nonprofit. Checks can be mailed to Community Mindfulness Project, P.O. Box 1713, New Canaan, CT 06840. Credit cards are accepted at www.CommunityMindfulnessProject.org. Thank you!

Have You Tried a Guided Meditation Session On-Line?

CMP has created a library of guided meditations that are available on our website. Our guided meditations have no preamble or discussion. They begin and end with the sound of a chime. If you aren’t ready to go directly to a guided meditation, you can also start with the audio discussions on our site. They provide an explanation of a practice. We encourage you to try one today!

CMP Mindful Breathing Meditation 5.30.20.jpeg