Thoughts as Opportunities

There are moments when we wonder, “How do I know if meditation is making a difference?” Sometimes the answer comes from a friend or family member (like when my kids ask, “Mom have you meditated lately?”!). Sometimes, we catch the brain autocorrecting all by itself. The other day, after working hard at learning a new skill, my mind offered up the thought, “I am totally inept.” After that mental petard landed, I could feel myself begin to shut down. And then….. and then the brain swept in and auto-corrected the statement “I am totally inept”, rewriting it as “I am feeling totally inept right now.” Instead of shutting down, my heart opened with a gush of compassion for myself, followed by compassion for all beings who were struggling to learn. The body loosened, there was a sense of warmth and ease, and a sense of connection. There was also a felt recognition that this was a temporary state, simply how I was feeling in the moment, much less defining or permanent than the initial thought.

All those minutes of tuning in to the breath, of noticing thoughts and seeing them just as thoughts, really do pave much healthier and more helpful neural pathways over time.

May all beings everywhere see thoughts for what they are - opportunities for compassion and connection,

Your CMP Family