5 Minutes a Day in May

It's that time of year!  Spring has arrived here in Connecticut and in the spirit of renewal -  manifested by blooming flowers and blossoming trees - we're kicking off the season with our annual 5 minutes a Day in the Month of May challenge.

As many of you know, we here at CMP believe that meditation is a habit strengthened by daily practice.  We know that meditating for just 5 minutes a day can have a positive impact on our well being. So we're bringing forth an opportunity to build our practice muscle together.

We invite you to join us by setting aside just 5 minutes a day this month to connect with the present moment, focus your mind and open your heart.  If you like, we'll send a handy flyer with some tips and boxes to check off each time you meditate.  You can hang it on fridge, on the bathroom mirror, next to your computer, wherever it might serve as a good reminder.  Email us at welcome@communitymind.org for the flyer.

If accountability is helpful for you, partner with a friend or create a group, or email us at welcome@communitymind.org each day with the subject, "Did it!".  Feel free to let us know how it's going, and let us know if you need a nudge :  )

There are short guided meditations  in the Library section of this website and, of course, we offer live meditation sessions by phone, zoom or in-person every single day of the week.

We're all busy, and it can feel hard to find the time, but we can do this!  And as the saying goes, "if you're too busy to meditate for 5 minutes, you should probably meditate for 10!"  

May we all find adventure, growth and discovery in the small moments of our daily lives,
Your CMP Family