The “Month of Mays”

Loving Kindness meditation is one of the most scientifically studied meditation practices, and its benefits have been well-documented (greater sense of connection, reduced migraines, reduced chronic pain, decreased PTSD, increased gray matter volume, etc.)

In the traditional practice, we bring to mind people - ourselves, loved ones, people who get under our skin; those close to us and total strangers - and we offer up wishes for their well-being.  

There is a set of traditional phrases that includes:

May you be well
May you live with ease
May you be free from inner and outer harm….

We repeat these phrases over and over again, offering them up as a gift to the person we’ve brought to mind.  Sometimes the practice is just a practice, a repetition of the phrases, with no discernible difference in our experience in the moment.  Other times, we might feel a warming in the body, an opening around the heart area, or a loosening of sorts.  Over time, we may become reflexively open-hearted as a result of this training.

Another way to approach the practice is to bring someone to mind and to ask the question, “What do I truly wish for this person?”  As we explore this, we might try out various phrases, noticing if any creates a response in the body that sets it apart from the others.  In going through the exercise in this fashion we may glean some insight:  into our relationship with this person, into what the world looks like through their eyes, into what they really may be needing, or what we may be needing…

For the remainder of this month of May, it might be interesting to pick someone each day (maybe even starting first with ourselves, and then broadening out), exploring what our deepest wish for that person is, and then spending some time actively extending that wish to them, either as part of a formal meditation practice, or at various points in the day as we hold them in our mind and in our heart.  

Perhaps we can make this the “Month of Mays”, as in:

May you know how resilient you are….
May you feel at home in your body….
May you know you are loved….
May you feel safe as you move through the world….
May you [fill in the blank with the wish that resonates strongly]….

May all beings feel the joy of connection,

Your CMP Family

Please Donate Now

In these challenging times, your support is more important than ever. As a nonprofit, we can’t cancel our needs to fundraise. We need your donations to continue offering meditation sessions.CMP is a licensed charity in the state of CT as a 501(c)(3) nonprofit. Checks can be mailed to Community Mindfulness Project, P.O. Box 1713, New Canaan, CT 06840. Credit cards are accepted at Thank you!

Have You Tried a Guided Meditation Session On-Line?

CMP has created a library of guided meditations that are available on our website. Our guided meditations have no preamble or discussion. They begin and end with the sound of a chime. If you aren’t ready to go directly to a guided meditation, you can also start with the audio discussions on our site. They provide an explanation of a practice. We encourage you to try one today!

CMP Loving Kindness Meditation 5.11.20.jpeg