Finding Opportunity in Challenge

CMP will offer meditation by conference call beginning Monday March 16.  See "This Week's Session Schedule" below for details.

Whenever something “bad” happens, it is an opportunity for us to hold open the possibility that something “good” might come of it. Holding open this possibility allows us to be creative and hopeful, and new opportunities become more evident to us than they might if we give all our airtime to the downside of a situation.  

In the case of COVID-19, gathering in person to sit in community for meditation is no longer wise.  If we were in the Chinese fable about the farmer whose horse runs off, at this point in the story, the villagers would be saying “That’s bad”, and the farmer would be saying, “Maybe”.  (Here is a link to the full fable).

But the story continues, for the farmer (whose son ends up not having to go off to war) and for CMP.  As you know, CMP places its emphasis on community and accessibility as they relate to mindfulness.  AND we’re a work in progress, constantly evolving and learning…. We’re a project.

For quite some time, we’ve been interested in live streaming our sessions so that people who couldn’t join us in person could join us real-time, virtually.  There is certainly no substitute for sitting together in the same physical space, but that isn’t always possible, and as they say, “Why let the perfect be the enemy of the good?”

COVID-19 gives us the opportunity to test offering our sessions via conference call.  Beginning next week, we're going to offer 3 sessions each weekday by phone, and one each on Saturday and Sunday.  At this point in the Chinese fable, the villagers would be saying “That’s good”, and the farmer would be saying, “Maybe”.

May all beings, everywhere, without exception, find ways to grow in the face of challenge,

Your friends at CMP

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