Wrapping Presence

In my previous career I had the good fortune to travel the world. Each place I visited gave me new perspectives on life.

One trip took me to Kyoto, Japan. I remember popping in to a souvenir shop on a busy street. When I approached the counter to pay for the small item I had selected, the shop keeper asked if he could wrap it. What happened next has stayed with me ever since.

The shop keeper proceeded to wrap the item for me as if that were the most important thing in the world to do in that moment. The store bustled with customers and yet a palpable stillness surrounded him as he poured his full presence into wrapping: every move a deliberate act, carried out with intention, attention and care. It was as if time slowed, and there was a sense of spaciousness and ease.

As we enter the hustle and bustle of the holiday season, we can draw on the example of the Japanese shop keeper. Instead of seeing our days as being filled with tasks we need to get done, we can approach each moment as important in and of itself. We can breathe as we cook, or clean, or wrap gifts, or write cards. We can notice the movement of our muscles, the temperature of the air around us, the sounds and smells, the weight and heft of whatever we’re holding. And we can feel the love and care that we’re pouring into each act: care for ourselves, care for our loved ones, and care for others known and unknown.

We'll practice cultivating presence together ten times this week. We hope you can join us.

May all beings feel the spaciousness and ease of presence,

Your CMP Family

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